CellProfiler cell image analysis software
Created by
Anne E. Carpenter and Thouis R. Jones
In the laboratories of
David M. Sabatini and Polina Golland at
And now based at
CellProfiler is free and open-source!

If you find it useful, please credit CellProfiler in publications

  1. Cite the website.
  2. Cite the publication.
  3. Post the reference for your publication on the CellProfiler forum so that we are aware of it.

These steps will help us to maintain funding for the project and continue to improve and support it.

This manual accompanies version 2014-07-23T17:45:00 6c2d896 of CellProfiler. The most recent manual is available here.

Table of contents

Using CellProfiler

Help for CellProfiler Modules