Module: DefineGrid

Define Grid produces a grid of desired specifications either manually, or automatically based on previously identified objects.
This module defines the location of a grid that can be used by modules downstream. You can use it in combination with IdentifyObjectsInGrid to measure the size, shape, intensity and texture of each object or location in a grid. The grid is defined by the location of marker spots (control spots), which are either indicated manually or found automatically using previous modules in the pipeline. You can then use the grid to make measurements (using IdentifyObjectsInGrid). Text annotation of a grid can be shown on top of an image using the DisplayGridInfo module (coming soon).

If you are using images of plastic plates, it may be useful to precede this module with an IdentifyPrimaryObjects module to find the plastic plate, followed by a Crop module to remove the plastic edges of the plate, so that the grid can be defined within the smooth portion of the plate only. If the plates are not centered in exactly the same position from one image to the next, this allows the plates to be identified automatically and then cropped so that the interior of the plates, upon which the grids will be defined, are always in precise alignment with each other.

Available measurements

See also IdentifyObjectsInGrid.


Name the grid

This is the name of the grid. You can use this name to retrieve the grid in subsequent modules.

Location of the first spot

Grid cells are numbered consecutively; this option identifies the origin for the numbering system and the direction for numbering. For instance, if you choose Top left, the top left cell is cell #1 and cells to the right and bottom are indexed with larger numbers.

Order of the spots

Grid cells can either be numbered by rows, then columns or by columns, then rows. For instance, you might ask to start numbering a 96-well plate at the top left (by specifying the location of the first spot).

Define a grid for which cycle?

The setting allows you choose when you want to define a new grid:

Select the method to define the grid

Select whether you would like to define the grid automatically (based on objects you have identified in a previous module) or manually. This setting controls how the grid is defined:

Select the previously identified objects

(Used only if you selected Automatic to define the grid)
Select the previously identified objects you want to use to define the grid. Use this setting to specify the name of the objects that will be used to define the grid.

Select the method to define the grid manually

(Used only if you selected Manual to define the grid)
Specify whether you want to define the grid using the mouse or by entering the coordinates of the cells.

Select the image to display

(Used only if you selected Manual + Mouse to define the grid)
Specify the image you want to display when defining the grid. This setting lets you choose the image to display in the grid definition user interface.

Coordinates of the first cell

(Used only if you selected Manual + Coordinates to define the grid)
Enter the coordinates of the first cell on your grid. This setting defines the location of the first of two cells in your grid. You should enter the coordinates of the center of the cell. You can display an image of your grid and use the pixel coordinate display to determine the coordinates of the center of your cell.

Row number of the first cell

(Used only if you selected Manual + Coordinates to define the grid)
Enter the row index for the first cell here. Rows are numbered starting at the origin. For instance, if you chose Top left as your origin, well A01 will be row number 1 and H01 will be row number 8. If you chose Bottom left, A01 will be row number 8 and H01 will be row number 12.

Column number of the first cell

(Used only if you selected Manual + Coordinates to define the grid)
Enter the column index for the first cell here. Columns are numbered starting at the origin. For instance, if you chose Top left as your origin, well A01 will be column number 1 and A12 will be column number 12. If you chose Top right, A01 and A12 will be 12 and 1, respectively.

Coordinates of the second cell

(Used only if you selected Manual + Coordinates to define the grid)
This setting defines the location of the second of two cells in your grid. You should enter the coordinates of the center of the cell. You can display an image of your grid and use use the pixel coordinate display to determine the coordinates of the center of your cell.

Row number of the second cell

(Used only if you selected Manual + Coordinates to define the grid)
Enter the row index for the second cell here. Rows are numbered starting at the origin. For instance, if you chose Top left as your origin, well A01 will be row number 1 and H01 will be row number 8. If you chose Bottom left, A01 will be row number 8 and H01 will be row number 12.

Column number of the second cell

(Used only if you selected Manual + Coordinates to define the grid)
Enter the column index for the second cell here. Columns are numbered starting at the origin. For instance, if you chose Top left as your origin, well A01 will be column number 1 and A12 will be column number 12. If you chose Top right, A01 and A12 will be 12 and 1, respectively.

Retain an image of the grid?

Select Yes to retain an image of the grid for use later in the pipeline. This module can create an annotated image of the grid that can be saved using the SaveImages module.

Name the output image

(Used only if retaining an image of the grid for use later in the pipeline)
Enter the name you want to use for the output image. You can save this image using the SaveImages module.

Select the image on which to display the grid

(Used only if saving an image of the grid)
Enter the name of the image that should be used as the background for annotations (grid lines and grid indexes). This image will be used for the figure and for the saved image.

Use a previous grid if gridding fails?

If the gridding fails, this setting allows you to control how the module responds to the error: Note that the pipeline will stop in all cases if gridding fails on the first image.