Module: DisplayScatterPlot

Display Scatter Plot plots the values for two measurements.
A scatter plot displays the relationship between two measurements (that is, features) as a collection of points. If there are too many data points on the plot, you should consider using DisplayDensityPlot instead.

The module will show a plot shows the values generated for the current cycle. However, this module can also be run as a Data Tool, in which you will first be asked for the output file produced by the analysis run. The resultant plot is created from all the measurements collected during the run.

See also DisplayDensityPlot, DisplayHistogram.


Type of measurement to plot on X-axis

You can plot two types of measurements:

Select the object to plot on the X-axis

(Used only when plotting objects)
Choose the name of objects identified by some previous module (such as IdentifyPrimaryObjects or IdentifySecondaryObjects) whose measurements are to be displayed on the X-axis.

Select the measurement to plot on the X-axis

Choose the measurement (made by a previous module) to plot on the X-axis.

Type of measurement to plot on Y-axis

You can plot two types of measurements:

Select the object to plot on the Y-axis

(Used only when plotting objects)
Choose the name of objects identified by some previous module (such as IdentifyPrimaryObjects or IdentifySecondaryObjects) whose measurements are to be displayed on the Y-axis.

Select the measurement to plot on the Y-axis

Choose the measurement (made by a previous module) to plot on the Y-axis.

How should the X-axis be scaled?

The X-axis can be scaled with either a linear scale or a log (base 10) scaling.

Log scaling is useful when one of the measurements being plotted covers a large range of values; a log scale can bring out features in the measurements that would not easily be seen if the measurement is plotted linearly.

How should the Y-axis be scaled?

The Y-axis can be scaled with either a linear scale or with a log (base 10) scaling.

Log scaling is useful when one of the measurements being plotted covers a large range of values; a log scale can bring out features in the measurements that would not easily be seen if the measurement is plotted linearly.

Enter a title for the plot, if desired

Enter a title for the plot. If you leave this blank, the title will default to (cycle N) where N is the current image cycle being executed.