Module: TrackObjects

Track Objects allows tracking objects throughout sequential frames of a series of images, so that from frame to frame each object maintains a unique identity in the output measurements
This module must be placed downstream of a module that identifies objects (e.g., IdentifyPrimaryObjects). TrackObjects will associate each object with the same object in the frames before and after. This allows the study of objects' lineages and the timing and characteristics of dynamic events in movies.

Images in CellProfiler are processed sequentially by frame (whether loaded as a series of images or a movie file). To process a collection of, you will need to do the following:

For complete details, see Help > Creating a Project > Loading Image Stacks and Movies.

For an example pipeline using TrackObjects, see the CellProfiler Examples webpage.

Available measurements

Object measurements

Image measurements

See also: Any of the Measure modules, IdentifyPrimaryObjects, Groups.


Choose a tracking method

When trying to track an object in an image, TrackObjects will search within a maximum specified distance (see the distance within which to search setting) of the object's location in the previous image, looking for a "match". Objects that match are assigned the same number, or label, throughout the entire movie. There are several options for the method used to find a match. Choose among these options based on which is most consistent from frame to frame of your movie.

Select the objects to track

Select the objects to be tracked by this module.

Select object measurement to use for tracking

(Used only if Measurements is the tracking method)
Select which type of measurement (category) and which specific feature from the Measure module will be used for tracking. Select the feature name from the popup box or see each Measure module's help for the list of the features measured by that module. If necessary, you will also be asked to specify additional details such as the image from which the measurements originated or the measurement scale.

Maximum pixel distance to consider matches

Objects in the subsequent frame will be considered potential matches if they are within this distance. To determine a suitable pixel distance, you can look at the axis increments on each image (shown in pixel units) or use the distance measurement tool. To measure distances in an open image, use the "Measure length" tool under Tools in the display window menu bar. If you click on an image and drag, a line will appear between the two endpoints, and the distance between them shown at the right-most portion of the bottom panel.

Select display option

The output image can be saved as:

Save color-coded image?

Select Yes to retain the image showing the tracked objects for later use in the pipeline. For example, a common use is for quality control purposes saving the image with the SaveImages module.

Please note that if you are using the second phase of the LAP method, the final labels are not assigned until after the pipeline has completed the analysis run. That means that saving the color-coded image will only show the penultimate result and not the final product.


Name the output image

(Used only if saving the color-coded image)
Enter a name to give the color-coded image of tracked labels.

Select the motion model

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied)
This setting controls how to predict an object's position in the next frame, assuming that each object moves randomly with a frame-to-frame variance in position that follows a Gaussian distribution.

Number of standard deviations for search radius

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied)
TrackObjects will estimate the variance of the error between the observed and predicted positions of an object for each movement model. It will constrain the search for matching objects from one frame to the next to the standard deviation of the error times the number of standard deviations that you enter here.

Search radius limit, in pixel units (Min,Max)

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied)
Care must be taken to adjust the upper limit appropriate to the data.
TrackObjects derives a search radius based on the error estimation. Potentially, the module can make an erroneous assignment with a large error, leading to a large estimated error for the object in the next frame. Conversely, the module can arrive at a small estimated error by chance, leading to a maximum radius that does not track the object in a subsequent frame. The radius limit constrains the maximum radius to reasonable values.

The lower limit should be set to a radius (in pixels) that is a reasonable displacement for any object from one frame to the next. The upper limit should be set to the maximum reasonable displacement under any circumstances.

Run the second phase of the LAP algorithm?

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied)
Select Yes to run the second phase of the LAP algorithm after processing all images. Select No to omit the second phase or to perform the second phase when running the module as a data tool.

Since object tracks may start and end not only because of the true appearance and disappearance of objects, but also because of apparent disappearances due to noise and limitations in imaging, you may want to run the second phase which attempts to close temporal gaps between tracked objects and tries to capture merging and splitting events.

For additional details on optimizing the LAP settings, refer to Jaqaman K, Danuser G. "Computational image analysis of cellular dynamics: a case study based on particle tracking." Cold Spring Harb Protocols 2009(12) (link), in particular the section "Adjustment of control parameters and diagnostics for track evaluation."

Gap cost

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
This setting assigns a cost to keeping a gap caused when an object is missing from one of the frames of a track (the alternative to keeping the gap is to bridge it by connecting the tracks on either side of the missing frames). The cost of bridging a gap is the distance, in pixels, of the displacement of the object between frames.


Split alternative cost

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
This setting is the cost of keeping two tracks distinct when the alternative is to make them into one track that splits. A split occurs when an object in one frame is assigned to the same track as two objects in a subsequent frame. The split cost takes two components into account: The split cost is roughly measured in pixels. The split alternative cost is (conceptually) subtracted from the cost of making the split.


Merge alternative cost

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
This setting is the cost of keeping two tracks distinct when the alternative is to merge them into one. A merge occurs when two objects in one frame are assigned to the same track as a single object in a subsequent frame. The merge score takes two components into account: The merge cost is measured in pixels. The merge alternative cost is (conceptually) subtracted from the cost of making the merge.


Maximum gap displacement, in frames

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
This setting acts as a filter for unreasonably large displacements during the second phase.


Maximum split score

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
This setting acts as a filter for unreasonably large split scores. The split score has two components:


Maximum merge score

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
This setting acts as a filter for unreasonably large merge scores. The merge score has two components:


Maximum gap

(Used only if the LAP tracking method is applied and the second phase is run)
Care must be taken to adjust this setting appropriate to the data.
This setting controls the maximum number of frames that can be skipped when merging a gap caused by an unsegmented object. These gaps occur when an image is mis-segmented and identification fails to find an object in one or more frames.


Filter objects by lifetime?

Select Yes if you want objects to be filtered by their lifetime, i.e., total duration in frames. This is useful for marking objects which transiently appear and disappear, such as the results of a mis-segmentation.


Filter using a minimum lifetime?

(Used only if objects are filtered by lifetime)
Select Yes to filter the object on the basis of a minimum number of frames.

Minimum lifetime

Enter the minimum number of frames an object is permitted to persist. Objects which last this number of frames or lower are filtered out.

Filter using a maximum lifetime?

(Used only if objects are filtered by lifetime)
Select Yes to filter the object on the basis of a maximum number of frames.

Maximum lifetime

Enter the maximum number of frames an object is permitted to persist. Objects which last this number of frames or more are filtered out.