Module: EditObjectsManually

Edit Objects Manually allows you create, remove and edit objects previously defined.
The interface will show the image that you selected as the guiding image, overlaid with colored outlines of the selected objects (or filled objects if you choose). This module allows you to remove or edit specific objects by pointing and clicking to select objects for removal or editing. Once editing is complete, the module displays the objects as originally identified (left) and the objects that remain after this module (right).

More detailed Help is provided in the editing window via the '?' button.

The pipeline pauses once per processed image when it reaches this module. You must press the Done button to accept the selected objects and continue the pipeline.

Available measurements

Image measurements: Object measurements:

See also FilterObjects, MaskObject, OverlayOutlines, ConvertToImage.


Select the objects to be edited

Choose a set of previously identified objects for editing, such as those produced by one of the Identify modules.

Name the edited objects

Enter the name for the objects that remain after editing. These objects will be available for use by subsequent modules.

Retain outlines of the edited objects?

Select Yes if you want to keep images of the outlines of the objects that remain after editing. This image can be saved by downstream modules or overlayed on other images using the OverlayOutlines module.

Name the outline image

(Used only if you have selected to retain outlines of edited objects)
Enter a name for the outline image.

Numbering of the edited objects

Choose how to number the objects that remain after editing, which controls how edited objects are associated with their predecessors:

Display a guiding image?

Select Yes to display an image and outlines of the objects.
Select No if you do not want a guide image while editing

Select the guiding image

(Used only if a guiding image is desired)
This is the image that will appear when editing objects. Choose an image supplied by a previous module.

Allow overlapping objects?

EditObjectsManually can allow you to edit an object so that it overlaps another or it can prevent you from overlapping one object with another. Objects such as worms or the neurites of neurons may cross each other and might need to be edited with overlapping allowed, whereas a monolayer of cells might be best edited with overlapping off.
Select Yes to allow overlaps or select No to prevent them.