How Measurements are Named ========================== In CellProfiler, measurements are exported as well as stored internally using the following general nomenclature: ``MeasurementType_Category_SpecificFeatureName_Parameters`` Below is the description for each of the terms: - ``MeasurementType``: The type of data contained in the measurement, which can be one of three forms: - *Per-image:* These measurements are image-based (e.g., thresholds, counts) and are specified with the name “Image” or with the measurement (e.g., “Mean”) for per-object measurements aggregated over an image. - *Per-object:* These measurements are per-object and are specified as the name given by the user to the identified objects (e.g., “Nuclei” or “Cells”). - *Experiment:* These measurements are produced for a particular measurement across the entire analysis run (e.g., Z’ factors), and are specified with the name “Experiment”. See **CalculateStatistics** for an example. - ``Category:`` Typically, this information is specified in one of two ways: - A descriptive name indicative of the type of measurement taken (e.g., “Intensity”) - No name if there is no appropriate ``Category`` (e.g., if the *SpecificFeatureName* is “Count”, no ``Category`` is specfied). - ``SpecificFeatureName:`` The specific feature recorded by a module (e.g., “Perimeter”). Usually the module recording the measurement assigns this name, but a few modules allow the user to type in the name of the feature (e.g., the **CalculateMath** module allows the user to name the arithmetic measurement). - ``Parameters:`` This specifier is to distinguish measurements obtained from the same objects but in different ways. For example, **MeasureObjectIntensity** can measure intensities for “Nuclei” in two different images. This specifier is used primarily for data obtained from an individual image channel specified by the **Images** module or a legacy **Load** module (e.g., “OrigBlue” and “OrigGreen”) or a particular spatial scale (e.g., under the category “Texture” or “Neighbors”). Multiple parameters are separated by underscores. Below are additional details specific to various modules: - Measurements from the *AreaShape* and *Math* categories do not have a ``Parameter`` specifier. - Measurements from *Intensity*, *Granularity*, *Children*, *RadialDistribution*, *Parent* and *AreaOccupied* categories will have an associated image as the Parameter. - *Measurements from the *Neighbors* and *Texture* category will have a spatial scale ``Parameter``.* - Measurements from the *Texture* and *RadialDistribution* categories will have both a spatial scale and an image ``Parameter``. As an example, consider a measurement specified as ``Nuclei_Texture_DifferenceVariance_ER_3``: - ``MeasurementType`` is “Nuclei,” the name given to the detected objects by the user. - ``Category`` is “Texture,” indicating that the module **MeasureTexture** produced the measurements. - ``SpecificFeatureName`` is “DifferenceVariance,” which is one of the many texture measurements made by the **MeasureTexture** module. - There are two ``Parameters``, the first of which is “ER”. “ER” is the user-provided name of the image in which this texture measurement was made. - The second ``Parameter`` is “3”, which is the spatial scale at which this texture measurement was made, according to the user-provided settings for the module. See also the *Available measurements* heading under the main help for many of the modules, as well as **ExportToSpreadsheet** and **ExportToDatabase** modules.